UN marks 45 years in China with recent celebration
31 October 2024
BEIJING, 31 October – In celebration of the 79th United Nations Day, the UN in China hosted an event on 29 October 2024 at its compound in Beijing, attended by over 170 high-level guests, including representatives from the Government of China, Member States, leaders of the UN in China, and invited partners from academia, business, civil society, and other relevant sectors.

UN Day, observed on 24 October, marks the anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter, with the day celebrated each year as an opportunity to reaffirm the purposes and principles of the UN Charter that have guided the Organization and the international community for the past 79 years.
Under the theme “Aspire, Connect, Transform for our Common Future”, this year’s celebration of UN Day also coincides with the 45th anniversary of the UN’s development presence in China, with the event seeking to spark dialogue on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reinforce the value of international cooperation and multilateralism, demonstrating the convening power of the UN across its Three Pillars of peace and security, human rights and development.
During a global video message played at the event, UN Secretary-General, Mr. António Guterres, said, “Hope requires all countries working as one. Hope requires the United Nations. On United Nations Day, I call on all countries to keep this beacon for the world, and its ideals, shining.”

Representatives of the UN in China took to the stage, while the Resident Coordinator used his remarks to draw attention to the evolving role of the UN in China and call for action on the recently adopted Pact for the Future, as well as for accelerated global progress on the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
During his remarks at the event, UN Resident Coordinator in China, Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee, said, “Achieving the 2030 Agenda is impossible without China's leadership or with China acting alone. As we wrap up the current Cooperation Framework next year and begin planning a new one for 2026-2030, our priorities will continue to align with our values, norms, and standards in contributing to the country’s new 5-year development plan.”

Representatives of the Government of China, led by Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Mr. Miao Deyu, who served as the Guest of Honour, also joined the event, highlighting China’s increasing support for the Organization’s role in international affairs, particularly in the context of the recent 75th Anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
During his remarks at the event, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Mr. Miao Deyu, said, “During the historical process of China’s reform and opening up, UN development agencies in China have made important contributions to promoting China’s modernization and China’s cooperation with the UN.”

Given its 45th anniversary, a video was screened at the event, which saw the Resident Coordinator discuss the UN’s work in China to help the country achieve the SDGs and priorities for the years ahead, while the publications, reports and other materials from UN entities were made available to guests at a display area at the venue, highlighting their efforts to leave no one behind.

Following the screening of the video, several performances fusing elements of Eastern and Western culture took place, including a traditional Chinese theatrical representation of ‘Face Changing’, a duet of ‘Libertango’, and a Peking Opera performance featuring children from the Daystar Academy.

The UN in China gratefully acknowledges the efforts of its supporting partners, including the strong support from North Way Cultural Exchange, and thanks all guests for their attendance at this year’s UN Day event.