Press Release

Dialogue highlights strategies to accelerate global sustainable development

26 June 2024

Beijing, 26 June – On Wednesday, 19 June 2024, the United Nations (UN) in China and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China co-hosted a dialogue to review China’s sustainable development progress and facilitate exchanges on enhancing international cooperation in order to accelerate the global achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), while informing preparations for the upcoming Summit of the Future. 

Caption: Participants in dialogue hosted at UN Compound in China.

The dialogue, hosted at the UN Compound in China, provided participants with an opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions on how to revitalize multilateralism and reignite momentum on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in order to leave no one behind. 

Having passed the halfway point set for achieving the SDGs, over half of the targets have seen insufficient progress, with 30 per cent of targets now in reverse. In view of this context and other global crises, China’s national achievements and its cooperation with other developing countries were explored at the dialogue, along with its position as a key player that can help further the world's efforts to realize the 2030 Agenda.

During his remarks, UN Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Mr. Guy Ryder, said, “In the face of today’s global challenges – from multiplying conflicts and humanitarian crises, escalating geopolitical tensions, to the deepening climate emergency, rapid technological change, and rising inequalities and mistrust – we are called upon to strengthen international cooperation and solidarity at all levels for our and the planet’s survival.”

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The dialogue joins other events being held by the UN in China ahead of the Summit of the Future this September, a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation, reaffirm existing commitments, including the UN Charter and the SDGs, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system.

As highlighted during the dialogue, China’s development journey, its integration of sustainability in its policies and its strides in areas such as poverty reduction, education, health, energy and partnerships showcase the importance of national strategies that prioritize development, offering potential insights for other nations on their respective paths to long-term prosperity for their people.

During his remarks at the dialogue, China’s Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Miao Deyu, said, “Development is the eternal theme of human society and a necessary path to realizing the aspirations of all peoples for a better life. We are ready to work with all parties, including UN agencies, to promote the focus of the Summit of the Future, to actively implement the Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative, and to come up with more actions to reinvigorate the global vision, to join hands in building a community with a shared future for humankind.”

Caption: China’s Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Miao Deyu, speaking at dialogue.

During his remarks at the dialogue, UN Resident Coordinator in China, Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee, said, “Today's event revealed the tangible opportunities we have to accelerate progress on the SDGs and global sustainable development, and we must put these ideas into action immediately if we are to save the 2030 Agenda.”

Caption: UN Resident Coordinator in China, Mr. Siddharth Chatterjee, speaking at dialogue.

During his remarks at the dialogue, Member of the Strategic Advisory Committee of the International Cooperation Center, Mr. Zhang Zhixiang, said, “The convening role of the UN Resident Coordinator is critical to accelerating the achievement of the SDGs. We witnessed the key role played by the UN Resident Coordinator in China, Mr. Chatterjee, in convening, connecting and facilitating action to maintain focus on the SDGs. We hereby urge all Member States of the UN to support the reform of the UN development system initiated by the Secretary-General to make the UN development system fit for purpose.”

Caption: Member of the Strategic Advisory Committee of the International Cooperation Center, Mr. Zhang Zhixiang, speaking at dialogue.

During her remarks at the dialogue, Ambassador of Guyana to China, Her Excellency Ms. Anyin Choo, said, “Countries that are now experiencing economic growth have more challenges than before. As we try to balance economic progress and sustainable development, we now must ensure that we do not emit too many carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. We need to bridge the digital divide, and also have to keep up with the AI revolution that is before us. At the same time, we also have to navigate an international financial architecture that isn’t keeping up with the needs of our evolving times.”

Caption: Ambassador of Guyana to China, Her Excellency Ms. Anyin Choo, speaking at dialogue.

Other speakers who addressed the dialogue include representatives from the China International Development Cooperation Agency, Center for International Knowledge on Development, International Poverty Reduction Center in China, National Development and Reform Commission, as well as UN entities in China, Member States, multilateral development banks, academia, and the private sector.

Inputs from the dialogue are to form part of summary documents that will be shared with UN Headquarters and others ahead of the Summit of the Future.


For further information, please contact:

Louise Xi LI, Head of Communications, UN Resident Coordinator’s Office in China                      

Tel: +8610-85320725, Email: 

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