Remarks by Mr. Zhang Zhixiang, Member of the Strategic Advisory Committee of ICC at the Pre-Summit of the Future Dialogue on Accelerating Progress Towards Global Sustainable Development
Remarks by Mr. Zhang Zhixiang, Member of the Strategic Advisory Committee of ICC and the Former Executive Director of the IMF for China.
A recording of these remarks can be found on YouTube and Tencent.
Distinguished Assistant Minister Miao Deyu,
Distinguished Resident Coordinator Chatterjee,
Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys and Representatives,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good Afternoon! I would like to thank Mr. Chatterjee, the UN Resident Coordinator in China, for inviting me to the Pre-Summit of the Future Dialogue on Accelerating Progress Towards Global Sustainable Development co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations in China today. The UN Summit of the Future in September has attracted much attention. The international community, developing countries in particular, have high hopes for this. On behalf of the Joint Council of the International Cooperation Center, I am delighted to join you to discuss global sustainable development issues and contribute to the second high-level Meeting of the Global Action for Shared Development Forum to be held this year and the Summit of the Future to be held at UN Headquarters.
As we all know, development is the eternal theme of human society and the broad consensus of all countries in the world under the current circumstances. Since President Xi launched the Global Development Initiative in 2021, China has always adhered to the original intention of building international consensus on development and fostering new drivers of global development, which has benefited many developing countries. In recent years, the number of participants in the initiative has increased, practical cooperation has been deepened, and the institutional structure of the initiative has been strengthened, which have promoted the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of development. The initiative has yielded fruitful results. The Global Development Initiative has brought together strong consensus and synergy to promote common development, injected strong impetus to accelerate the implementation of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, achieve stronger, green and healthy global development, and move the world toward a better future of peace, security, prosperity and progress.
From May 14 to 16 this year, the Joint Council of the International Cooperation Center and the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office held the China Preparatory Meeting of the UN Summit of the Future and the Wulingyuan Exchange Symposium in Hunan Province. The meeting focused on the themes of "Upholding multilateralism to meet current and future challenges" and "Accelerating the realization of the Global Sustainable Development Goals", and held dialogues and exchanges to jointly explore ways of development to create a better future. The meeting advocated solidarity, mutual trust and cooperation, and recommended that the issue of development be placed at the heart of the UN agenda and the Summit of the Future. The two sides jointly proposed and signed the Future-Oriented International Cooperation Initiative. The study of the Joint Council of International Cooperation Center suggested that the central role of the United Nations should be upheld and given full play; solidarity, mutual trust and cooperation should be advocated, and the important goal should be to meet common challenges, safeguard common security, achieve common development and forge a common future, so as to ensure that the UN Summit of the Future will truly bring hope to the world.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said at the ministerial preparatory meeting for the Summit of the Future in September 2023 that a multipolar world is emerging. Historical experience shows that a multipolar world without strong multilateral institutions carries serious risks that could lead to greater geostrategic tensions, disorderly competition, and greater fragmentation. The international community generally believes that the right direction at present is to give play to the role of the United Nations, improve the global governance system and elevate the status of developing countries. The Summit of the Future should be committed to promoting the common development of all countries, safeguarding the common security of the international community, and building a common future for mankind. The Future Compact to be signed at the UN Summit of the Future should map out key issues concerning the common interests and concerns of the international community and promote the building of a more just and equitable international order.
The UN Summit of the Future provides opportunities for stakeholders to strengthen international cooperation, address major challenges, close gaps in global governance, reaffirm existing commitments, including to the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Charter, and reinvigorates the multilateral system so that it is more capable of making a positive impact on people's lives. Building on the 2023 SDG summit, Member States will consider how to lay the foundation for more effective global cooperation to address today's challenges and the new threats of tomorrow. The convening role of the United Nations Resident Coordinator is critical to accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. We witnessed the key role played by the UN Resident Coordinator in China, Mr. Chatterjee, in convening, connecting and facilitating action to maintain focus on the SDGs. We hereby urge all Member States of the United Nations to support the reform of the United Nations development system initiated by the Secretary-General to make the United Nations development system fit for purpose.
Mr. Chatterjee, the UN Resident Coordinator in China, and the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator in China are important Bridges and links between China and the UN system. We believe that with the strong support of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations, the deepening cooperation between the Joint Council of the International Cooperation Center and the United Nations Resident Coordinator Office in China will continue to play a constructive role in accelerating the process of global sustainable development.
Thank you!
Speech by